Frequently Asked Questions
How is the evaluation you do different from a school’s evaluation?
We offer several different types of evaluations: psycho-diagnostic, psycho-educational, gifted testing, and Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA). These are mostly similar in the approaches and types of tests used, but have different goals.
Psycho-diagnostic or psychological assessments determine if there is a clinical diagnosis
based on the DSM-V-TR A clinical diagnosis may help answer questions you have about
your child and provide access to services through the healthcare system or are sometimes
desired by some private schools. We still make educational recommendations, regardless.
Psycho-educational assessments are done to determine if a child is eligible for special
education services within your school district, which has different criteria from a clinical
diagnosis. Your child may be eligible for special education services if they present with a
disability AND it is negatively impacting their educational performance in a significant way.
There are 13 eligibility categories which include Autism, Specific Learning Disability
(i.e. dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc), Intellectual Disability, and Other Health Impairment,
where ADHD is usually categorized. Mrs. Rush is highly experienced in this area.
If you aren't sure what evaluation your child needs, we are happy to discuss this with you in
our free 15 minute consultation!
Do you provide neuropsychological evaluations?
While we are not neuropsychologists, there are overlapping cognitive processes that we
also test in, such as in attention, executive functioning, memory, visual spatial skills, and
verbal ability. We test in the areas related to what you are trying to understand about your child's abilities. A neuropsychological evaluation can be very useful when a neurological disorder is suspected.
Can you help my child get extra testing support in schools?
We make recommendations for extra support at school through accommodations and/or modifications, such as in the form of a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which is determined by your child's unique needs based on assessment. We will help you navigate the school system so that your child receives equal access to meet their educational needs.
Are you familiar with Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings?
Yes, we have participated in many IEP meetings as independent evaluators, collaborators and advocates. Mrs. Rush has led many IEP meetings as an administrator designee and is very familiar with the required legal guidelines, making her an excellent resource for families.
Do you take insurance?
We do not take insurance at this time, but at your request, we can provide you with a "superbill," which is a receipt at the end of each session that you submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement. We recommend that you clarify with your behavioral health carve out on if they reimburse for psychological testing (CPT codes 96130, 96131, 96136, 96137), therapy (90834, 90837), parent coaching with child (90847), and group counseling (90853), as provided by a clinical psychologist or a licensed educational psychologist with your insurance company. Insurance covers psychological evaluations depending on the health plan you have selected. Many insurance plans require a prior authorization, and most plans will also require that you meet your deductible, pay a co-pay, and/or pay co-insurance. The prior authorization process is meant to determine if a service is “medically necessary” and requires the clinician to provide a diagnosis. Gifted testing (IQ testing) and testing for Specific Learning Disorder, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia may be denied by insurance companies as these evaluations are closely tied to academics. However, some companies have partially reimbursed for testing to determine accommodations for a 504 plan, so it may prove useful to ask.
What are your rates?
This will be determined by your provider after your free consultation.
What should I tell my child about meeting you?
We have some tips here that can give you guidance on how to talk to your child about
this process. These tips are written for younger children, but you can adapt the concepts
to be applied to your older or more mature child.
Do you provide telehealth/virtual services?
Yes, we can provide individual therapy/counseling, parent coaching, and trainings
following telehealth guidelines over a HIPAA-secure platform. In certain cases, we do
provide telehealth assessments.